Odlum Brown Helps to Transform Mental Health Care at Royal Columbian Hospital

The new Mental Health and Substance Use Wellness Centre at Royal Columbian Hospital has greatly expanded the capacity available for British Columbians living with mental health issues. With 75 in-patient beds, the footprint has more than doubled from the previous facility. And while capacity has expanded, those living with mental health issues often need more support to stay on track with treatment. Generous donors like Odlum Brown have been integral in providing that support.

Donating to the Fraser Health Rehabilitation Fund and the newly established Odlum Brown Essential Needs Fund, Odlum Brown is helping people with their long-term recovery. Funds are provided to help with leisure, education, or employment activities, all key elements to developing a stable and successful rehabilitation plan. For some people, getting enough exercise, buying proper footwear for a work site, or having a dental procedure may be another item on their to-do list. For those living with mental health issues, these situations can greatly affect the long-term maintenance of their treatment.

We are incredibly grateful to Odlum Brown for their continued support of Royal Columbian Hospital and British Columbians across the province. They recently celebrated their 100th anniversary, and we look forward to our ongoing partnership and shaping health care for the next century.

For more on the partnership with Odlum Brown, watch their interview with Dr. Koo, Program Medical Director, Regional Department Head; Mental Health/Psychiatry Program.