The Knights of Columbus (BC) Charity Foundation is helping newborns with its latest donation to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation. With a contribution of $8,050, the Knights have bought a phototherapy light, which the hospital’s Maternity Department uses to treat jaundice in newborns. Jaundice is caused by increased levels of bilirubin in the blood and usually appears in the first few days of a baby’s life. While usually harmless, high levels of bilirubin can be dangerous to a baby. The phototherapy light waves are used by the baby to eliminate bilirubin from the body.
Knights of Columbus (BC) Charity Foundation representatives Michael Yeo (1st from left) and Edward Shawchuk (1st from right) are joined by Agnes Mayer, Kathleen Wright, Elizabeth White and Natalie Howe of Royal Columbian Hospital’s Maternity Department.