New round of equipment purchases funded by Royal Columbian donors
New Westminster, B.C. – {May 13, 2020} – Hundreds of thousands of dollars in new equipment and technology has been […]
Maha Alchalabi’s Story
As a nephrologist in Iraq, Maha Alchalabi was a kidney specialist who came to Canada in 2014 seeking peace and wanting to practice medicine in this country. But during a visit to her family doctor three years after arriving here, the 54-year-old discovered a problem with her own kidneys. It was cancer, a diagnosis that in her mind presented no clear treatment options until her own research led to an interventional radiologist at Royal Columbian Hospital.
Under the microscope
As Head of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine at Royal Columbian Hospital, Dr. Reza Alaghehbandan is part of a team that is central to the care of patients. The lab plays a major role in over 80-percent of medical diagnoses, providing answers to questions that cannot be answered by speaking with the patient or from basic physical exams or radiographic images.
Dennis Wagner’s Story
Dennis Wagner knew he had pancreatic cancer. He also knew it was inoperable and would eventually claim his life. However, as he lay in bed at Royal Columbian Hospital following new complications from his cancer, the 80-year-old Coquitlam man realized, with the help of his hospitalist Dr. Joelle Bradley, how advanced the disease had become. Their discussion gradually turned to end-of-life.
Rozalia Stil’s Story
Rozalia Stil became discouraged following a surprising diagnosis of liver cancer. The 76-year-old New Westminster woman focused on end-of-life and worried about leaving her husband behind. However, six years later, she has found renewed optimism courtesy of the specialized care at Royal Columbian Hospital.
Cancer charity driven to provide diagnosis at Royal Columbian
New Westminster, B.C. – {December 11, 2018} –A charity with a focus on cancer is helping Royal Columbian Hospital provide […]
McRae family’s Story
Colleen and Murray McRae married young and were together for a remarkable 70 years when they were admitted to Royal Columbian Hospital separately in the summer of 2017. When staff learned they were husband and wife, caregivers moved them together in a room that became affectionately known as the “honeymoon suite”. It was a gesture the family appreciated, even more so in hindsight when 87-year-old Murray passed away less than a week later.
Rose Donovan’s Story
Rose Donovan had not been feeling well for weeks. The 52-year-old Maple Ridge woman was dealing with headaches, nausea, hot flashes, and then a pain on her upper right side. She suspected stress as the cause, but her family doctor sent her for a gallbladder ultrasound. The test result was blindsiding – there was a golf ball-sized mass on her pancreas.
Get Behind Lui: mission accomplished
A campaign to support colon cancer screening at Royal Columbian has reached the end zone with the purchase of a […]
Donors fund special equipment needs
New Westminster, B.C. – {April 24, 2017} – More than half a million dollars in new equipment is coming to […]