
Strategic Philanthropy

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A legacy of care

Born at Royal Columbian Hospital in 1928, Roy Brainerd grew up during the Depression. “They were hard times but we always had enough,” Roy remembers. The family home on Harwood Street in North Burnaby boasted abundant vegetable gardens, horses, and a chicken coop.

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Giving with Heart

Dr. Margaret Blackwell’s career has taken her from Licensed Practical Nurse to Cardiologist, with Royal Columbian playing an instrumental role in her education and medical practice. The first woman trained as a Cardiologist in BC, she’s also a legacy gift donor to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation.

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A Second Home, a Second Family

In 1971, Monica Mogg immigrated to Canada from Jamaica excited to begin a new life in a new country. During her time as an obstetrics and gynecology nurse at Royal Columbian, she found a place to call home and a second family. She’s chosen to honour her time here with a gift in her Will to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation.

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Charles Evans’s Story

Those who knew him say Charles Evans was frugal with himself but generous with others. He moved to New Westminster from Winnipeg after retiring from a career in law and lived in the same condo for three decades. Before his death in 2017, Charles quietly designated Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation as the beneficiary of what is one of the largest legacy gifts ever in the hospital’s existence.

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Giving and getting back

Dr. Brad Halkier worked at Royal Columbian for more than 30 years. Inspired by his colleagues and patients, he’s chosen to leave a legacy gift to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation.

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Smart philanthropy

As a pension and benefits lawyer, Colin Galinski is used to thinking about people’s future needs. The New Westminster resident has also taken a forward-thinking approach with his philanthropy. As a result, he has named Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy. “It was important to me to leave a future gift and I wanted that gift to be larger than what I give on an annual basis,” says Colin, who joined Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation as a volunteer Board Director in the spring of 2015. “I have a young family and of course they come first. When I did the planning, I saw that life insurance was the best way for me to make my legacy gift.”

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