Praise and charity after premature delivery

New Westminster, B.C. – {January 30, 2017} – Comfort is on the rise inside Royal Columbian Hospital’s Variety Neonatal Intensive […]

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New mental health facility moves ahead at Royal Columbian Hospital

Via Fraser Health news release – Bird Design-Build Construction Inc. has been selected as the preferred proponent to build Royal […]

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Champions of Philanthropy 2016

Dr. Joelle Bradley is passionate about building partnerships. Her philosophy of engaging the community to achieve common goals mirrors the Foundation’s […]

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New SFU professorship to boost research collaboration with RCH

The collaboration between a Simon Fraser University professor and a critical care physician at Royal Columbian Hospital to wean seriously ill and injured patients off mechanical ventilators will benefit from a new research position established by the hospital’s foundation.

Dr. Steve Reynolds has been awarded the Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation Professorship in Critical Care at Simon Fraser University. The $250,000, five-year professorship will support his research, aimed at saving lives and health costs.

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Fraser Health creates centralized 24/7 stroke program

In a major step toward establishing Royal Columbian Hospital as a comprehensive stroke centre, Fraser Health is now providing centralized support for stroke patients with the implementation of a 24/7 Regional Acute Stroke Team. Stroke is the fourth-highest cause of death and the number one cause of acquired long-term disability in adult British Columbians.

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Fundraising team dashes towards finish line for newborn care at Royal Columbian

Team Van Marrewyk
A Ladner family whose charitable efforts since the birth of their triplet daughters have helped purchase life-saving equipment for premature babies at Royal Columbian Hospital is determined to reach its latest goal after a successful weekend fundraiser.

The Van Marrewyk family exceeded this year’s $60,000 target for the hospital’s Variety Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) during the Scotiabank Charity Challenge on Sunday, June 26. More than 35 family and friends joined efforts to raise $65,000 in support of the hospital’s tiniest patients.

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Families of Royal Columbian Hospital’s smallest patients gather to say thanks

NICU reunion
The patients may be tiny, but the outpouring of gratitude is tremendous, as families whose newborns received care throughout the years at Royal Columbian Hospital’s Variety Neonatal Intensive Care Unit came together to say thanks.

More than 100 people gathered on Saturday, June 25, 2016 in Sapperton Park to celebrate the care delivered just across the street in the hospital’s NICU – one of four ‘Level 3’ centres in the province that are designated to care for the sickest and most fragile premature babies from throughout British Columbia.

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Law firm pledges to mental health expansion at Royal Columbian

McQuarrie Hunter LLP
A mid-sized law firm with local roots going back decades is supporting the region’s mental health needs with a gift towards redevelopment at Royal Columbian Hospital.

McQuarrie Hunter LLP has pledged $75,000 to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation for the new 75-bed Mental Health and Substance Use Wellness Centre. The new facility, being built during phase one of hospital redevelopment, will provide a significant opportunity for groundbreaking research, increased psychiatric training and state-of-the-art patient care.

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Entrepreneur with ‘vision’ helps fund guide technology at RCH

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An entrepreneur with a passion for technology that delivers outstanding images has helped bring better vision to a group of health care professionals at Royal Columbian Hospital.

A $20,000 donation from the Jack and Sylvia Gin Foundation has allowed Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation to purchase new equipment for the hospital’s Gastroenterology department.

ScopeGuide technology makes colonoscopies easier and more comfortable by giving the G.I. Clinic team a precise 3-dimensional view of the scope’s positioning during patient exams. A $10,000 donation from the Drive for the Cure Foundation also supported the purchase of the ScopeGuide. Royal Columbian became the first hospital in the health region to have access to the technology and is now using it regularly.

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Golf fundraiser slices through target for Royal Columbian surgical services

A golf tournament organized by front-line staff at Royal Columbian Hospital has reached new fundraising heights during its 4th annual event.

More than 150 golfers and sponsors took part in Making the Cut Charity Golf Classic on June 11th, raising more than $40,000 to help Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation purchase lifesaving surgical equipment. In its four years, Making the Cut has raised close to $120,000 and become the Foundation’s premier golf fundraiser.

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