Shannon Gaudette’s Story

“I shouldn’t be alive… my baby girl shouldn’t be alive… but we’re both here thanks to Dr. Chan.” Those words are being spoken by Shannon Gaudette, 39, a woman who had two malignant tumours—one the size of an orange, the other the size of a lemon—removed from her brain in June. She was six-and-a-half months pregnant at the time.

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Gary Smith’s Story

In 2006, Gary was diagnosed with esophageal cancer by Dr. Brock Pullen at Royal Columbian Hospital. Like many patients with the disease, it was discovered too late and Gary, age 60, passed away in September 2007.

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Pam Chow’s Story

For two months in 2009, Port Moody resident Pam Chow battled a flu-like illness and a terrible pain in her feet. She was in and out of medical clinics, hospitals and even a chiropractor’s office, but there was no definitive diagnosis. Chow, an active and previously healthy 25-year-old, was dying—and nobody could figure out why.

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Alexandra Kroetsch’s Story

On the day Canada officially entered the second wave of the H1N1 flu pandemic, Alexandra Kroetsch could barely breathe. Initially diagnosed with pneumonia, the 27-year-old nanny and musical performer was admitted to RCH on October 23rd, 2009, suffering from severe symptoms of the H1N1 virus.

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Chantal Dueck’s Story

Repairing the heart of a woman who is 18 weeks pregnant involved not one life but two. As Clinical Nurse Specialist Jocelyn Reimer-Kent points out, “Fetal death is almost a certainty when an infected heart valve is added to the equation.”

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Hunter Kuntz’s Story

Hunter Kuntz is a vibrant three-year-old boy with bright brown eyes and a shy smile. Like all little boys, he […]

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John Baldock’s Story

Friday the 13th may be unlucky for some people, but for John Baldock and his wife Dene it was very lucky.

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Marco Lundy’s Story

By Lina Toyoda, The Province — Tam Lundy got a call at 8:30 p.m. in the evening of the day she had stepped off an airplane, jetlagged, from Europe. It was the kind of call no parent wants to get.

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Jason Keller’s Story

A plunge of more than seven metres left athletic 29-year-old Jason Keller with multiple fractures to his skull, plus a […]

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Amie MacNeil’s Story

By William Mbaho, Special To The Province—Amie MacNeil was a high-risk maternity patient. She had a heart attack on the delivery table that put her in a coma temporarily.

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