Ways to Give

Help give the most seriously ill and injured their greatest chance at life, year-round by becoming a member of the Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation’s Partners in Care monthly giving club.

As a member of the Partners in Care monthly giving club, you make it possible for steady and reliable funding to support critical care at Royal Columbian Hospital.

There a number of benefits associated with making a monthly gift:

Impact! Your gift has impact now, and in the future. By giving monthly you are able to invest in the care that patients are receiving today as well as innovative healthcare solutions of future. You are welcome to designate your gift where you wish, so you have the most impact possible in the areas of care important to you.

It’s budget-friendly! By making affordable monthly donations, you can maximize the impact of your support over time while you manage your own budget. You can also start, change or stop your monthly gifts at any time.

It’s convenient! Your pre-authorized monthly donation is withdrawn automatically and securely from your chosen account or credit card. There are no cheques, envelopes or stamps. You receive one tax receipt for the entire year of donations.

It’s effective! Donations can be processed more efficiently than single gifts, allowing us to spend more time and resources on purchasing life-saving equipment for our patients.

Insider privileges! As a valued member of our Partners in Care program, you will receive biannual updates on the hospital and patient stories. You may also receive invitations to donor events throughout the year providing you insider access to Royal Columbian Hospital.

When you make your Partners in Care monthly gift, you will receive your Partners in Care pin. We hope you will wear this with pride and join the vibrant community of Royal Columbian Hospital supporters who generously support us in this way.

For more information about the Partners in Care monthly giving program, please contact contact us.

Sign-up to become a monthly donor

A memorial gift is a caring way to remember your loved one or express your sympathy to those mourning. Your gift will help Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation support care for some of the province’s most seriously ill and injured.

Donate In Memory

For each gift, we will send an acknowledgement card to the family notifying them of your generosity.

You may also create a special tribute page to fundraise in honour of your loved one or donate to an existing page.

Tribute Pages

For more information, please contact the Foundation by email or at 604.520.4438.

With selfless devotion, they save lives, restore health and provide comfort to thousands of people each year.

Exceptional care is provided at Royal Columbian Hospital because of the dedicated and compassionate efforts of those who work and volunteer here.

Let them know you have noticed the difference they have made. Make them a STAR with a donation in their honour.

Recognize a STAR

In return, your STAR will be personally recognized with a special pin that acknowledges their efforts. Hospital departments that are honoured will receive a certificate.

Your STAR donation will also help the Foundation support priority equipment needs, hospital renovations, major projects, research, education and innovation.

Questions? Please contact the Foundation by email or at 604.520.4438.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Special Thanks And Recognition (STAR) program?

Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation is offering you an opportunity to recognize the exceptional care being provided by the team at Royal Columbian Hospital.
By making a donation in honour of someone who works or volunteers at the hospital, you are reminding them that you value their effort.

In return for your donation, the STAR will receive a special star pin that acknowledges you have made a gift in their honour. Departments that are recognized will receive a certificate they can display.

And your gift will help the Foundation support priority equipment needs, hospital renovations, major projects, research, education and innovation.

How do I honour a STAR?

To give special thanks and recognition, please make a donation in the amount of your choice to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation in honour of your STAR.
They will receive notification that you have made a contribution their honour. They’ll also receive a star pin to wear proudly. Departments that are recognized instead of individuals will receive a certificate.
The gift amount will remain private, and donations can be made anonymously if requested.

You can recognize your STAR by making a gift in one of the following ways:

  • Online by clicking here.
  • Over the phone at 604-520-4438.
  • Visit us at the Foundation office.
  • Mail your gift to:

Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation
330 East Columbia Street
New Westminster BC
V3L 3W7

Who can I recognize as a STAR?

You can recognize any of the health professionals or volunteers from Royal Columbian Hospital. For each donation, you may recognize up to five individuals or one department.
You will need the name and department of each individual you recognize, in order for us to properly notify them of your kind gesture.

How much do I need to donate to recognize a STAR?

You may make a donation in the amount of your choice to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation. For each donation, you may recognize up to 3 individuals or one department.

Will I receive a charitable tax receipt for my gift?

Yes. For every donation that is made online, you will receive an email that includes a charitable tax receipt. For every donation made by phone or by mail, you will receive a charitable tax receipt by mail.

I work or volunteer at Royal Columbian Hospital. Can I honour my colleagues through the STAR program?

Yes! We encourage those who work or volunteer at the hospital to celebrate their colleagues through the STAR program.

Have you or a loved one received exceptional care from the Royal Columbian cardiac team?

Show your gratitude for the cardiac care team with the purchase of a heart to display on the Wall of Gratitude. This wall full of hearts, displayed outside the cardiac care unit, honours the care, dedication, and expertise of the cardiac care team at Royal Columbian Hospital.

Order Now

About Royal Columbian’s Cardiac Care Team

Royal Columbian Hospital is BC’s busiest cardiac care centre, serving as the region’s emergency room for the heart.

Our highly skilled cardiac care team performs the highest volumes of complex open-heart surgery and minimally-invasive interventional procedures like angioplasty, serving one in three British Columbians across the largest and fastest growing health region in BC. We offer care from diagnostics to treatment through to post- discharge support in the community.

Planning an event for Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation? Rule number 1 – HAVE FUN!

Events are a great way to bring people together for a common goal. The Foundation is grateful for your support and dedication to providing exceptional care to those who need it most.

See below for information on how to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where to begin?

Think about what you want your event to look like. Remember, an event can be anything! From a lemonade stand to a high- end gala, the sky is the limit. Have fun and think creatively! For a list of ideas, please see our events package.

Does the Foundation need to know about my event beforehand?

Once you have mapped out the general scope of your event (such as date, size, budget, etc.), we would love to hear from you! We are here to support you. Get in contact with us so we know the date and other crucial event details as this helps us to ensure we can be available to assist you as needed.

Are there costs associated with running an event?

Yes, all events have upfront costs. Think about your budget and what you are willing and able to put into the expenses. Be realistic, but remember, sponsorship might help to offset the costs that are incurred. As a charity (charitable registration number: 11912 8866 RR0001), Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation is committed to a low cost-per-dollar raised and unable to assist with upfront costs for community events.

Will the Foundation help with sponsorship & tickets sales for the event?

We are happy to provide advice, guidance and ideas, but the Foundation is not able to assist with soliciting sponsors, selling tickets or tables, advancing funds or providing donor lists. We are committed to protecting the privacy of all personal information that is shared with us. We do not rent, sell or share our donor lists. The information shared with us is used to process donations and keep you informed about the hospital & Foundation.

What kind of licences need to be obtained to hold an event?

This will depend entirely on the event you are holding. If you are serving alcohol, you will need a liquor licence. If you are doing anything that involves gambling, such as: 50/50, bingo, poker, casino games, etc. you will need to make sure you have a gaming licence. You need to obtain any specialty licences, insurances or permits for your event. Any fines incurred for not having proper paperwork in place will be at the cost of the event organizers.

What is involved with promotion around events?

We will promote your event on our social media platforms as well as on our webpage. All promotional materials need to be approved by the Foundation, including press releases and media coverage. The Foundation needs to approve any promotional materials created to ensure they meet our criteria. All promotional materials need to state “Proceeds benefit Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation” and must have full approval from the Foundation before being distributed.

Can you help to staff the event?

Based on staff availability, we are more than happy to provide assistance and a presence on the event day. We would also be happy to connect you with our volunteer coordinator to assist with volunteer call outs.

Can the funds raised be directed to a specific area of care in the hospital?

Yes. You can designate your donation to a specific area of the hospital (such as: NICU, Cardiac, or Renal amongst others). You can also designate your gift towards equipment purchases, education, or research at Royal Columbian. A portion of all specified gifts is used to support the work of the Foundation.

What is a gift matching program?

Some workplaces offer a program where they will donate a gift of an equal amount that you raise (to a certain cap) on the guarantee that you give the gift first. This is a great way to boost the amount raised and also a great selling feature to get your guests to give more.

Will guests receive tax receipts for their donations?

Yes. Under Canada Revenue Agency guidelines, a gift is a voluntary transfer of property with the conscious desire to make a gift. The gift must be given of free will, transfer from donor to charity and be of cash or in-kind gifts, not services. Monetary donations from identified individuals or organizations must have:
i. Full Name (first & last)
ii. Address
iii. Postal Code
iv. Phone number

*Monetary gifts where it is not possible to identify the donor (such as a donation box), are not eligible for a tax receipt
** For more information on Canada Revenue Agency guidelines, please click here.

Will Sponsors receive Tax receipts?

Sponsorships, upon request, will receive an ACKNOWLEDGEMENT receipt.

*For more information on Canada Revenue Agency guidelines, please click here.

What kinds of gifts are not eligible for tax or acknowledgement receipts?

• Purchased merchandise, such as RCHF swag
• Purchased auction items
• Lottery, raffle or 50/50 tickets
• Donated items in which fair market value cannot be determined.

*For more information on Canada Revenue Agency guidelines, please click here.

Thank you so much for making Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation your charity of choice.

We are delighted to work with you and are excited to see your event come to fruition.

Should you have any questions or require any support, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Linda Morgan

Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, wedding, birth or graduation with a gift to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation.

Making a donation or asking friends and family to make donations in lieu of gifts is a great way to honour a special event.

Create your own special occasion fundraiser:

Give Smarter with Stock

How your gift can cost less

A donation of appreciated securities is the most tax efficient way to make your gift to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation.

By making your gift with appreciated publicly traded securities instead of by cheque or with a credit card, you can have a big impact at Royal Columbian Hospital while saving more on taxes.

When you donate appreciated stock or mutual funds, capital gains tax on these securities is eliminated, allowing you to avoid paying tax on those capital gains. These taxes can be significant, especially when the securities have gone up in value.

Combined with the charitable tax credit you will receive for making your gift, these tax savings can significantly lower the cost of giving.

Three Simple Steps to Donating Securities

Making your donation with securities is easy.

  • Download our Securities Transfer Form and bring it to your advisor when you are ready to donate.
  • Consult with your advisor.
    They can help you pick the right security to donate and guide you on how to re-invest your tax savings to reduce future capital gains. Get started by downloading our form.
  • Get in touch.
    Once you have instructed your advisor to transfer your securities, let us know so we can say thank you and ensure a quick turnaround for your tax receipt.

Thank you for considering a gift to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation! If you have any further questions or need more information, please contact Catherine Cornish.

Want to know how much you could save by donating securities?

Your Scenario
Fair Market Value of Shares (FMV)
Value must be greater than $0
Initial Cost of Shares
Value must be greater than $0
Marginal Tax Rate
Value must be greater than $0

This calculator is for information purposes only and is not intended to be legal or tax advice. We encourage you to obtain professional advice about your particular circumstances.

The Donation Tax Credit amount assumes the donor has also made at least $200 in donations elsewhere, which is calculated at a different rate.

Net Tax Savings

Sell Shares & Donate $
Just Donate Shares
(% more in savings)
Sell Shares Just Donate
Amount to Donate
Fair market value of shares (FMV)
Capital Gain/Profit
FMV less initial cost of shares
Taxable Gain
50% of profit
Marginal Tax Rate
Based on the tax rate entered
Donation Tax Credit
29% Federal & 14.7% BC = 43.7%
Net Tax Savings
Tax credit less tax payable on gain
  • Sell Shares
  • Just Donate

Endowed funds provide a lasting legacy with the interest being spent to fund hospital needs. The principal of the fund remains in perpetuity. Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation currently administers a number of endowed funds for nursing education, the purchase of equipment, and innovative programs.

Such funds can be made in memory or tribute of someone else and are of enormous benefit in helping to attract and retain talented staff or support patient care innovations.

For more information, please contact us at 604.520.4438 or info@rchfoundation.com.

Where there’s a will,
there’s a way

With a gift in your Will to Royal Columbian Hospital Foundation, you can make a big impact on life-saving care in your community while still taking care of your loved ones. Even if you don’t consider yourself wealthy. In fact, most Canadians who make these gifts aren’t.

You don’t have to choose. You have the power.


For additional information, please contact Catherine Cornish, Director, Leadership and Legacy Giving at (604) 970-5931 or catherine.cornish@fraserhealth.ca.

Donations Calculator

You can use the below calculator to calculate the charitable donation tax credits in BC.
Your Scenario
Net Income
Value must be greater than $0
Donation Amount
Value must be greater than $0

This calculator is for information purposes only and is not intended to be legal or tax advice. We encourage you to obtain professional advice about your particular circumstances.

Donation Tax Credits

Federal Tax Credit
15% federal tax credit for the first $200 claimed,
29% for amounts exceeding the first $200
Provincial Tax Credit
5.06% provincial tax credit for the first $200 claimed,
14.7% for amounts exceeding the first $200
Combined Tax Credit
20.06% combined tax credit for the first $200 claimed,
43.7% for amounts exceeding the first $200
After-Tax Cost of Donation
Donation Amount minus the Combined Tax Credit
Make a donation

Patient Stories